Category Archives: Meetings

August 14, 2020 CGA_GGA Joint TAC Meeting

The CGA-GGA Joint Technical Advisory Committee will meet August 14, 2020 1:00-4:00 p.m. This meeting will be held remotely only via Zoom. You can download the agenda and supporting materials at the links below:
Agenda | Agenda Materials

Check the Meetings page for more information.

May 8, 2020 CGA/GGA Joint TAC Meeting

As part of the ongoing Groundwater Sustainability Plan development in the Colusa Subbasin, the Colusa Groundwater Authority and Glenn Groundwater Authority Technical Advisory Committees (TAC) will hold a joint meeting on May 8, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. Click HERE to view/download the UPDATED agenda with Zoom login information. Visit the Agendas and Minutes 2020 page to view/download the meeting materials.

COVID-19 and CGA Meetings

Due to safety concerns and directives from the Governor and Federal Government related to COVID-19, The Colusa Groundwater Authority will hold their March 24, 2020 Board Meeting remotely. Interested parties may call in to the meeting using the conference line information below:

Dial: 1-800-356-8278
Code: 877875

We will continue to monitor developments regarding COVID-19, and plan future meetings accordingly. If you have any questions, please contact Colusa Groundwater Authority Staff at 530-458-0719.