Author Archives: colusagroundwater

CGA Long-term Funding Workgroup Meeting April 16, 2018

A newly appointed Long-term Funding Workgroup will hold their first meeting on April 16, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. at the Colusa Industrial Properties in Colusa. The Long-term Funding Workgroup was appointed by the CGA Board to investigate available funding options for the CGA, and develop a recommended funding plan for CGA Board consideration.

For more information, click here to view/download the Agenda Packet.


Notice of Intent to Adopt a Conflict of Interest Code

The Colusa Groundwater Authority intends to adopt a conflict-of-interest code pursuant to Government Code Section 87300. A written comment period has been established commencing on February 26, 2018, and terminating on April 12, 2018. Please see the attachments below for more information:

Notice of Intent

Colusa Groundwater Authority Conflict of Interest Code


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