The CGA Funding Subcommittee will meet July 5, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. More information can be found on the Meetings Page.
Author Archives: colusagroundwater
Request for Proposals Proposition 218 Engineer’s Report
ISSUED: JUNE 1, 2018
SUBMISSIONS DUE: JUNE 25, 2018, no later than 4 PM (PST)
This Request for Proposals is being issued to interested parties who wish to be considered for selection to provide professional engineering consulting services to the Colusa Groundwater Authority (CGA) to support the justification and collection of a benefit assessment for the day to day operations of the CGA. The CGA is looking for a highly qualified assessment engineer team that is familiar with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, as well as the requirements of Proposition 218.
2018 DWR Basin Reprioritization
On Friday, May 18, the CA Department of Water Resources released the draft prioritization of groundwater basins as required by the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). The 2018 SGMA Basin Prioritization is scheduled to be finalized by fall 2018 after a 60 day public comment period that starts today and runs through July 18, 2018. Click HERE for more information from DWR.
May 22, 2018 CGA Funding Workgroup Meeting
The next meeting of the CGA’s Long-term Funding Workgroup will be May 22, 2018. This meeting will be held from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Colusa Industrial Properties, just prior to the CGA Board meeting.
May 7, 2018 Funding Workgroup Meeting
The CGA’s Long-term Funding Workgroup will meet May 7, 2018 at the Colusa Industrial Properties Conference Room in Colusa at 3:00 p.m. These meetings are open to the public.
Click HERE to view/download the Agenda. Visit the Meetings Page of this website for more information.
Press Release: Important Information for Local Groundwater Users
The State of California under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) law requires all groundwater well users to live under a Groundwater Sustainability Plan developed by Groundwater Sustainability Agencies that must be completed by January 31, 2022. This Plan will require all groundwater well use to be sustainable for all parts of the basins throughout California, and will potentially require meters and records on groundwater use. Also required will be a plan for recharging the aquifers if groundwater falls into an overdraft situation.
Development of the Groundwater Sustainability Plans by Groundwater Sustainability Agencies is just getting underway in Colusa and Glenn Counties. Each groundwater user has the opportunity to help develop these Plans which all users will have to live by. It would behoove all groundwater users to get involved in this process.
Please attend Groundwater Sustainability Agency meetings and other local water management meetings including the Colusa Groundwater Authority, Glenn Groundwater Authority, and Colusa County Groundwater Commission meetings, and add your name to email notification lists. You can find more information and sign up for the email lists on the websites at:
Colusa Groundwater Authority:
Contact the office: 530-458-0719 or email:
Glenn Groundwater Authority:
Contact the office: 530-934-6501 or email:
Other Groundwater Sustainability Agencies within Colusa and Glenn County include the Corning Sub-basin GSA, Glenn County, Reclamation District 1004, Reclamation District 2106, and Western Canal Water District.
More information can also be found on the Department of Water Resources website at:
Proposed Basin Boundary Modification
The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) established a process for local Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) to request that the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) revise the boundaries of a groundwater basin or subbasin in order to promote sustainable groundwater management.
The CGA intends to submit a request to DWR for a Basin Boundary Modification (BBM) by June 30, 2018. This modification would bring the Colusa County portion of the West Butte Subbasin that lies on the west side of Reclamation District 1004 into the Colusa Subbasin.
The CGA is interested in receiving feedback from local agencies and landowners. Click HERE for more information.
See the Basin Boundary Modification Page of this website for more information